Friday, May 18, 2012

Facebook At Its Best

Social networking took the world by storm and even though nowadays it’s no longer something to be awed about, perhaps the one thing that might awe you is the fact that there are people out there who actually don’t even know about facebook yet! Well, that’s an alarm for sure and that makes me wonder the kinds of things that might interest them when they finally join the site. Of course the simple to use interface might be the first thing that boosts their love for the site but besides that, I found out that most people are always interested in reading comments and laughing about them so I thus gathered a few facebook statuses that I found suitable for them.
The first that caught my attention was “I once prayed to God for a bike but quickly found out that he didn’t work that way…I thus stole a bike and ended up praying for forgiveness.” This one had thousands of comments with most of the people who commented about them being the same ones who liked the status update. Besides simply dwelling on statuses alone, I also found out that there are quotes for facebook statuses as well but just like the statuses, they too maintain their share of humor. Some of them that made me crack include “War never determines who’s right, it actually determines who’s left”, “Every rule on earth has an exception, especially this one” and “I was about to make a gay joke…butt f**k it…” Well, those are just a few of them and you will most probably come across more online but the downside of directly copying them from the internet is that you might end up being less original and you’ll get even worse at coming up with great and funny facebook status. The best way to start would be to simply try.

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